- Planting in Mexico, 2012:
- 144 mil has.
- 0.9% of the total surface.
- Production, 2012:
- 247 thousand tons.
- Annual average 2008-2012: 179 thousand tons.
- Imports, 2012:
- 121 thousand tons equivalent to 40% of national production.
- Annual average 2008-2012: 374 thousand tons.
- Imports via Puerto Progreso, Yucatán, 2012:
- 121 thousand tons, 100% of total imports.
- Annual average 2008-2012: 321 thousand tons, accounting for 86% of total imports.
- ENERALL has jointly developed with public institutions, research programs to increase the production of soybean seed, which can be used as a sustainable crop in Southeast Mexico.
Sources: SIAP, SIAVI and Port Authority of Puerto Progreso Yucatan.